Ministry & Non-Profit Community Resource

M. Family
We are deeply grateful for your support. Your kindness has made a significant difference for our family, and we are truly touched by your generosity.

B. Family
I look at Restore22 as a family I never had. They helped me with rent, essentials, and payed for classes so I can better my future and provide for my children. Words can't explain the gratitude and love I have for Restore22.

Raj Dhillon
Restore22 has helped me grow spiritually. I have been included and accepted into the church family. The small groups have been such a blessing to me, helped me heal spiritually and emotionally. I'm so grateful to have Restore22 as my family."

Welcome to our ministry/non profit's site!
We're a multi-faith and multi-socio economic community exploring the restorative teachings of Jesus and the Gospel together. As a Non Profit Community Resource we aide & empower Afghan refugees and families in need while inviting all into a rhythm of relationship, spiritual discovery and lunch in our Fremont home.
After working in a startup, I got my M.Div in 2011 and pastored for 8 years. By God's grace we started Restore22 in 2019. As a former therapist, Jess weaves psychology and spirituality for a holistic approach to inner healing. Hudson likes firefighters and Everett likes to scream. Join us in loving our neighbors in need!